Sunday, April 13, 2014

My front porch (with a couple of my husband's home made Adirondack chairs and child's picnic table in glorious blue, green and purple) is looking just a wee bit bare at the moment, even though I have pink and yellow fairy wings, lungwort, daffodils and my amazing red trilliums (thanks to Uncle Gerry and Aunt Dorothy) in bloom.  The little teapot water feature is the latest in a series done and redone by my handy husband.  I think it is definitely the best one yet.  The copper pipe and stabilizers between the teapots, and the lovely teapots themselves which we picked up in Vancouver's Chinatown the last time we were on the mainland, are just so pretty.....I can hardly wait until June when everything will be lush enough in the background that it'll be like a private little oasis next to the porch.  I hope spring is finding everyone across the country by now.


Sheila said...

Your house and yard are looking wonderful Lynda , I love the teapots , how clever of Ken to make this little display , I love it !!

Jo Ferguson said...

It all looks so luscious and wonderful. I have a few shoots breaking the top of the soil but we have a possibility of ice pellets and snow, today (just a little), so spring is almost here. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous garden.